Debt Issuance

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Light S.A.

Local Instruments

Description Code Issue Maturity Cupom Amount Quantity
1st Issue of Convertible Debentures LIGT11* nov-24 aug-27 R$ 1,661,238,238.12 132,053,914
2nd Issue of Debentures (Default Option) LIGT12* nov-24 nov-39 IPCA R$ 52,048,535.37 512,933
Warrant LIGT11** nov-24 aug-27 R$ 1,320,539.14 132,053,914
Brazilian Warrants*** LIGT12** nov-24 aug-27 R$ 537,211,258.61  42,669,679

(*) Over-the-counter listing (Cetip).

(**) Listed segment.

(***) Connected to Units (Global Warrant + Notes) issued abroad.

International Instruments

Description CUSIP Issue Maturity Cupom Amount Quantity
Units (Global Warrant + Notes) 53223N 208 dec-24 aug-27 $ 103,416,448.00 132,053,914
Default Notes 53223N AA7 dec-24 dec-39 $ 3,917,517.00 512,933


Light Serviços (SESA)

Local Instruments

Description Code Issue Maturity Cupom Amount Quantity
Supporting Converting Creditor Debenture * nov-24 nov-32 IPCA + 5.00% (semi-annualy) R$ 3,864,870,725.52 37,372,041
Supporting Non-Converting Creditor Debenture ** nov-24 nov-37  IPCA + 3.00% (semi-annualy) R$ 1,947,074,714.22 18,968,915
Supporting Financial Creditor Debenture feb-25 feb-35  CDI+ 0.50% (semi-annualy) R$ 672,380,145.85 6,269,396

(*) Composed by the following debentures’ issuance: 9th issuance (LVSE29); 15th issuance (LIGHA5); 16th issuance (LIGHB6); 17th issuance (LIGHB7); 19th issuance (LIGHA9); 20th issuance (LIGHB0); 21st issuance (LIGH1B); 22nd issuance (LIGHD2); 23th issuance (LIGHC3); 24th issuance (LIGHB4); 25th issuance (LIGH5A) and 26th issuance (LIGH6A).

(**) Composed by the following debentures’ issuance: 9th issuance (LVSE39); 15th issuance (LIGHC5); 16th issuance (LIGHC6); 17th issuance (LIGHC7); 19th issuance (LIGHB9); 20th issuance (LIGHC0); 21st issuance (LIGH2B); 22nd issuance (LIGHE2); 23th issuance (LIGHD3); 24th issuance (LIGHC4); 25th issuance (LIGH5B) and 26th issuance (LIGH6B).

International Instruments

Description CUSIP Issue Maturity Cupom Amount Quantity
1st Lien Notes 53222M AD4 dec-24 dec-32 4.210% (semi-annualy) $ 193,205,763.00 193,204,763
2nd Lien Notes 53222M AC6 dec-24 dec-37 2.260% (semi-annualy) $ 102,441,283.00 102,441,283


Light Energia

Local Instruments

Description Code Issue Maturity Cupom Amount Quantity
7th Issue of Debentures – 1st Series LGTE17 jul-21 jul-28 IPCA + 4.850% (semi-annualy) R$ 400,000,000.00 400,000
7th Issue of Debentures – 2st Series LGTE27 jul-21 jul-28 IPCA + 4.850% (semi-annualy) R$ 100,000,000.00 100,000

International Instruments

Description CUSIP Issue Maturity Cupom Amount Quantity
Energia Notes 531959 AA2 dec-24 jun-26 4.375% (semi-annualy) $ 210,751,878.00* 210,751,878

(*) Subject to a reverse auction of up to R$500 million at a minimum haircut of 5%, under the terms of the Light Judicial Reorganization Plan (“PRJ”), Annex D, Light Energia Restructuring Term Sheet.

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