
The company’s management focused on sustainability can be seen in the most diverse initiatives. The concern with transparency, objectivity and clarity in communication with all stakeholders and the commitment to ethics and best corporate governance practices are the guarantee of Light’s recognition with the market.
Materiality construction process
The company’s management focused on sustainability can be seen in the most diverse initiatives. The concern with transparency, objectivity and clarity in communication with all stakeholders and the commitment to ethics and best corporate governance practices are the guarantee of Light’s recognition with the market.
Since 2009, Light’s Annual Report is written based in its Materiality Matrix, which guides the construction of all the content reported to the electrical sector, the regulatory agencies, and to the society in general. The Materiality Matrix presents the relevant (material) topics that generate value to the company and its stakeholders.
- In 2009, we identified the impact of each stakeholder, using criteria established by standard AA 1000 – responsibility, influence, proximity, dependence, representation, strategic interaction, and policy – and we completed the engagement process and defined Light’s first Materiality Matrix.
- In 2010, during the Specialist Panel meeting, which gathered Company representatives and seven specialists, the material topics appointed in 2009 as highly relevant were validated.
- In 2011, Light revalidated the highly relevant topics during the strategic planning process, reflecting the expectations of the stakeholders in the fronts that guide the entire Strategic Plan.
- In 2012, we reevaluated the Materiality Matrix, ranking the results into large topics and evaluating if they were considered during Strategic Planning.
- In 2013, Light confirmed the prioritization of the most relevant issues from the Company’s and stakeholder’s point of view.
- In 2014, we elaborated the new Materiality Matrix with the objective of making it a benchmark for the basis of business decisions.
- In 2016, we revisit our Materiality Matrix to align it with current company and stakeholder priorities.
- In 2019, the Materiality Matrix was revised again, in order to consider the pillars of the company’s Turnaround Plan and the current demands of our stakeholders.
- In 2021, the Materiality Matrix was revised in a process led by the ESG+ Committee.
Light reviewed in 2022 the Materiality Matrix, under the GRI 103 Standard, to pinpoint the main topics related to its current activities in line with the vision of the main stakeholders. This initiative helped to include the perceptions of the
audience consulted during the creation of this document and will be a source of guidance for the development of strategies and improvement actions to be worked on during the year.
The process used the previous matrix as a basis and included the assessment of national and international benchmarks in the electricity sector and sector documents. The previous data analysis also considered internal documents made available by the Company, reports, articles, webinars and content released in the press. The analysis also involved data records of institutions to which the Company reports its performance in all areas of activity.
Material topics 2022/2023
The Light stakeholders were identified in the definition process of their first Materiality Matrix, in 2009, using the methodology developed by the Brazilian Foundation for Sustainable Development (FBDS), who surveyed the Company’s stakeholders with a total of 343 interested parties.
In the 2022 Materiality Matrix revision, strategic stekeholders were identified with the help of an external consulting firm and prioritized based on the following: influence, dependence, and business relationship. The process mapped out ten main groups: shareholders and financial market, Board, leadership team, employees, third-party/partner companies, suppliers, customers, associations/ NGOs, municipalities, and the regulatory agency.
This process helped to pinpoint 20 potential topics, which underwent a priority check via an online survey conducted from December 2022 and January 2023. The consultations covered, for each topic, the key points of the materiality analysis – social and environmental impacts and perception of relevance.
The survey was answered by 432 people, representing Light’s relationship stakeholders. In order to get more detailed perceptions, six in-depth interviews were conducted with leadership representatives and meetings were held with work groups composed of 16 employees.
The outcome of this consultation culminated in eight material topics. Two other topics were included later by recommendation of the leadership team and the Board of Directors based on their importance in the business. They reflect the evolution of the concern of the Company and its stakeholders in regard to the previous year’s topics, as can be seen in the comparison table below.
Annual Reports
Other Reports
We highlight the adhesions to the BM & FBovespa; annual disclosure based on the guidelines of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and participation in the Corporate Sustainability Index (ISE) of BM & FBovespa between January 2008 and May 2023.