Commitment to Sustainable Development

Light reaffirms its commitment to sustainable development and to its customers. The company, when carrying out its activities, is concerned with balancing the economic, environmental and social dimensions.
Social and Environmental Responsibility
Light believes that for the continuing business it is necessary commitments and responsibilities to the economic and social development that go beyond the financial stability.
Get more information about our environmental initiatives in our Annual Report.
Commitment to Environment and the Climate
Light is a company that recognizes the importance of using natural resources rationally and properly, and to be prepared for the transition to a low carbon economy. This vision can be seen in the environmental management, in the Environmental Policy and the Commitments to the Environment and the Climate, which are divided into six topics: energy, technology, biodiversity, Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions, solid waste, and water quality.
Risks and opportunities of climate change
Climate change directly affects our business model, as we are wholly reliant on water storage in our reservoirs to generate electricity, and our operations are required to manage the impacts from temperature fluctuations on electricity consumption.
Our annual results of operations can be affected by adverse hydrological conditions, electricity shortages, electricity rationing, distribution system overloads due to unexpected spikes in consumption and growth in non-technical losses.
In 2022, Light participated in the Climate Change program of CDP, answering the annual survey, because it agrees with its focus: reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by enterprises and mitigate the risks related to climate change. The measuring and dissemination of the corporate impact on climate is essential to achieve efficient risk management for the emission of these gases and to help companies to capitalize on the opportunities to generate revenue through more sustainable products and services.
Light responded to the CDP, and made its answers public, because it considers the questionnaire an important tool to continually improve sustainability management, and because it believes in information transparency. In 2014, Light was recognized by CDP Latin America for the results achieved in the Standout Category of the Climate Change questionnaire.
Learn more about out strategy and results related to climate change in our Annual Report.
Commitment to Sustainable Development Objectives
The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) that were instituted in 2015 by the United Nations (UN), created a new sustainable development agenda, related to the results of Rio+20 – the UN Conference on Sustainable Development – which was held in June of 2012, in Rio de Janeiro. They define the priorities and global aspirations for 2030.
For the companies, the SDG represents a major challenge and a great opportunity to leverage new business. Through these 17 objectives, the enterprise organizations can show how they help with sustainable development, both by maximizing the negative impacts as well as maximizing the positive impacts for the population and the planet. Also, the SDG encourage the delivery of innovative solutions and a more efficient and sustainable use of resources.
The companies that align their priorities with the SDG strengthen their commitment to clients, employees, and other interested parties, defining a common structure of action and language that will help them communicate more consistently and effectively with the stakeholders.
To do this, Light monitored the initiatives related to the definition of the SDG, and as a signer of the Global Pacts, decides to incorporate them in part or in whole to the Company’s management. This attitude shows Light’s commitment to contribute to the development of Rio de Janeiro, either through improvements and updates to the distribution grid, ensuring that everyone has safe access to quality electricity; or through energy efficiency projects and programs directed primarily towards low income communities, such as Comunidade Eficiente and Light Recicla.
Learn more about the inter-linkages between the SDGs and Light’s strategy in the sections Business Impact and Main indicators and Reports.
Learn about the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) instituted by the UN.
Contact the Environment Area
If you have comments and suggestions related to Sustainability, Natural Resources and the Sustainability Report, please contact us at